Back-End Service

Back-end: what are the different technologies used?

The back-end represents the invisible part (by the user) of a Website or an application, but which is essential for its operation. Just as it is important to develop the front-end (part visible to the user), back-end development is essential, since it builds the essential pillars for the operation of the application/Website.

These are the database and the hosting server. The first stores all the data necessary for operation (the user's ID for example) and the second stores all the constituents of the front-end (files, design, etc.). To do this, back-end development requires a number of technologies. Which ones? We tell you more

Using Node.js as part of the back-end service

It is a platform based on the Chrome JavaScript engine. This engine is known for developing fast and scalable network applications in record time. Thanks to its non-blocking I/O event model, Node.js is lightweight and efficient

It is of great use for applications that need to manage large volumes of real-time data on distributed devices. Its main advantage lies in the fact that it is based on a language already known to developers (the Javascript language) and compatible with both the front-end and the back-end

As for its other advantages, these are its integrated package system (NPM), its performance worthy of the V8 engine and the fact that it has an MIT (free software) license. Apart from Javascript language, Node.js also uses Python, Java, PHP, Net, C++, Go, C, Ruby and Swift.

Using Laravel as part of the back-end

It is an open-source server-side PHP framework. This means that it is dedicated to reducing application development time, without forgetting to effectively respond to the difficulties that developers often encounter

Lavarel is used in the creation of complete applications. The latter require a back-end to manage features such as user accounts, exports, order management, etc.

Its benefits are equivalent to its built-in features. These are :

  • its automatic test;
  • its relational object mapping;
  • its complete authentication system;
  • its modular packaging system with dependency management;
  • and its command line interface (CLI) provided with dozens of predefined commands.

Apart from all this, Lavarel offers a portable and virtual development environment.

Using Java as part of the back-end

It is both a language and a computing platform. Its installation is essential for the operation of many websites and applications. Moreover, the more time passes, the more the number of applications and websites that cannot function without Java increases.

This platform (and language) has the advantage of being fast, secure and reliable. In addition, it is a language perfectly suited to beginner developers. Java is not ideal for procedural programming, but rather for object-oriented programming which is essential for managing the complexity of a real-world application.

This technology has many advantages including multithreading, extensibility, memory management, high security and community support, to name a few. It is a versatile technology and very user-friendly.

Java is used with various frameworks and tools such as Spring, Hibernate, Angular, React, AWS, Docker and J2E/J2EE. It is simply an essential language in the enterprise.

Using Spring as part of the back-end

It is one of the best back-end frameworks used by IT developers to implement back-end web development tasks. This open-source framework is used for the infrastructural construction and definition of Java applications. Spring is known to facilitate the development and testing of these applications.

In terms of functionality, this technology is very rich: transactional management, Java Data Base Connectivity exception management and an MVC or Model-View-Controller (software architecture pattern intended for graphical interfaces). It should be noted that this architectural pattern offers developers the possibility of adding various Java functionalities.

Project jakarta JEE and back-end project

Jakarta EE is the new name voted by the community to replace Java EE. This Eclipse Foundation project aims to support the definition of reference implementations, the development of API (Application Programming Interface) specifications and TCKs (Technology Compatibility Kits) for Java application server implementations

Jakarta EE is basically dedicated to building community collaboration and open innovation for the cloud. With this technology, the back-end development of enterprise applications is based on portable and modern characters.

Jakarta EE groups together specifications. This set enables Java developers around the world to manage cloud-native Java enterprise applications. These specifications are assembled into a single comprehensive or web-based platform specification. However, they can also be an individual specification.

Akka-io and back-end service

This technology is a toolkit. It is used for message-oriented programming. The developed applications are oriented simultaneously. They are reactive, distributed and resilient for Java and Scala. Akka-io is based on the Actor/Model design pattern. The latter is indeed optimized for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

This technology provides a powerful and responsive framework for the JVM. It also serves as a very powerful library. With this reactive actor, it is possible to make up to 50 million messages on the same machine. In addition, the activities of approximately 400 million streaming and gaming users are powered by Akka-io technology.

Finally, out of 50 case studies and community stories, 78% (or 39 case studies and community stories) use this technology. Among the many satisfied customers are Walmart, WhitePages, Huffington Post, Gilt, Hootsuite and many more.

Machine learning and back-end service

Machine learning is first and foremost an artificial intelligence (AI) technology. It is used to allow computers to learn without having clearly been programmed for this purpose. If Big Data is considered the essence of machine learning, the latter offers the advantage of making the most of the potential of Big Data.

However, it should be noted that the training and development of computers via machine learning requires data to be analyzed that at the same time serves as a training base for the computers.

Maching learning engineers have the particularity of being specialized in the back-end. Because of this, they are considered back-end developers. In back-end development, machine learning offers many benefits to developers, including:

  • presence outside working hours which results in good responsiveness;
  • considerable time savings related to the answers to simple problems;
  • continuous optimization due to data and semantic analysis (increasingly refined analyses induced by continuous chatbot interaction)

This technology shows how important artificial intelligence is for enterprise websites or applications.

Business intelligence and back-end development

Called informatique décisionnelle in French, BI (Business Intelligence) represents not one, but a set of technologies. The latter are mainly used by companies in the context of data analyzes aimed at refining decision-making processes.

Back-end development is often underestimated in Business Intelligence processes. However, it is a necessary technology for complete Business Intelligence. Therefore, the back-end development professional or expert is as important as the front-end developer

Some leaders even go so far as to describe Business Intelligence without a back-end as a car without an engine. Whatever the size of a company (VSE, SME, large or very large company), its sector of activity or any other characteristic concerning it, back-end development must be included in Business Intelligence so that the process is as successful as possible.

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